Para la migración de bases de datos MySQL a SQL Server existen herramientas de Microsoft para hacerlo.
El tercer enlace es muy claro en el "paso a paso" de cómo hacer una migración.
Lo que aquí se comparte es cómo generar un script SQL para hacer la migración de base de datos MySQL a MSSQL sin conectar a una base de datos destino.
Ejecutando este SELECT en la base de datos MySQL que se necesita migrar se obtendrá el script en sintaxis MSSQL para crear tablas, con sus valores por omisión, llaves primarias y foráneas y los índices que existan.
¿Y los datos? El SELECT expuesto solamente genera script de estructuras. Y si, si se puede conseguir la generación de un script en formato MSSQL desde base de datos MySQL... Cuando lo haya publicado agregaré el enlace por acá.
Notas de actualización
SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 100000000; select XSQL from ( -- COMANDOS SQL PARA CREACIÓN DE TABLAS select www.ROW_BLOCK, concat('create table [', www.TABLE_name, ']', ' (', www.COLUMNS, www.PK, ');') as XSQL from ( select 10 as ROW_BLOCK, z.TABLE_NAME , GROUP_CONCAT(z.MSSQL_COLUMN_SCRIPT order by ORDINAL_POSITION separator ', ') AS COLUMNS , case when y.PK_COLS is null then '' else concat(' primary key (', y.PK_COLS, ')') end as PK from ( select a.TABLE_NAME, b.ORDINAL_POSITION, concat('[', b.COLUMN_NAME, '] ', case when b.DATA_TYPE in ('varchar', 'char') then concat(b.DATA_TYPE, '(', b.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, ')') when b.DATA_TYPE in ('varbinary', 'tinyblob', 'blob', 'mediumblob', 'longblob') then concat('varbinary(', b.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, ')') when b.DATA_TYPE = 'int' then 'int' when b.DATA_TYPE = 'timestamp' then 'datetime' when b.DATA_TYPE = 'year' then 'smallint' when b.DATA_TYPE = 'float' then concat('float(', b.NUMERIC_PRECISION + b.NUMERIC_SCALE, ')') when b.DATA_TYPE in ('double', 'real') then 'float(53)' when b.DATA_TYPE in ('decimal') then concat('decimal(', b.NUMERIC_PRECISION, ', ', b.NUMERIC_SCALE, ')') when b.DATA_TYPE in ('smallint', 'tinyint', 'date', 'bigint', 'datetime' , 'time') then b.DATA_TYPE when b.DATA_TYPE in ('text', 'tinytext', 'mediumtext', 'longtext') then 'nvarchar(max)' else '[UNKNOW DATA TYPE]' end, case when b.EXTRA = 'auto_increment' then ' identity(1, 1)' else '' end, case b.IS_NULLABLE when 'YES' then '' else ' not' end, ' null', case when b.COLUMN_DEFAULT is null then '' else concat(' default ''', replace(replace(b.COLUMN_DEFAULT, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'getdate()'), '0000-00-00', '1753-01-01' ), '''') end ) as MSSQL_COLUMN_SCRIPT from information_schema.tables a inner join information_schema.columns b on a.table_schema = database() and b.table_schema = database() and b.table_name = a.table_name where a.TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' order by a.TABLE_NAME, b.ORDINAL_POSITION ) z left outer join ( select a.TABLE_NAME, GROUP_CONCAT( concat('[', b.COLUMN_NAME, ']') order by ifnull(b.ORDINAL_POSITION, 1) separator ', ' ) as PK_COLS from information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS a inner join information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE b on a.table_schema = database() and b.table_schema = database() and b.table_name = a.table_name and b.CONSTRAINT_NAME = a.CONSTRAINT_NAME where a.table_schema = database() and a.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY' group by a.TABLE_NAME ) y on y.TABLE_NAME = z.TABLE_NAME group by z.TABLE_NAME , case when y.PK_COLS is null then '' else concat(' primary key (', y.PK_COLS, ')') end ) www union -- COMANDOS SQL PARA CREACIÓN DE LLAVES FORÁNEAS select 20 as ROW_BLOCK, concat('alter table [', a.TABLE_NAME, ']' ' add constraint ', a.CONSTRAINT_NAME, ' foreign key (', group_concat( concat('[', b.COLUMN_NAME, ']') order by ifnull(ORDINAL_POSITION, 0) separator ', ' ), ')', ' references [', b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, '] (', group_concat( concat('[', b.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, ']') order by ifnull(ORDINAL_POSITION, 0) separator ', ' ), ')' , ';') as FK_SQL from information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS a inner join information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE b on a.table_schema = database() and b.table_schema = database() and b.table_name = a.table_name and b.CONSTRAINT_NAME = a.CONSTRAINT_NAME where CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' group by a.TABLE_NAME, a.CONSTRAINT_NAME , b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME union -- COMANDOS SQL PARA CREACIÓN DE ÍNDICES select 70, concat('create ', case a.NON_UNIQUE when 0 then ' unique' else '' end, ' index [', a.INDEX_NAME, '] on [', a.TABLE_NAME, '] (', GROUP_CONCAT(concat('[', a.COLUMN_NAME, ']') order by a.SEQ_IN_INDEX separator ', '), ');') as XSQL from information_schema.STATISTICS a left outer join information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS b on b.table_schema = database() and b.TABLE_NAME = a.TABLE_NAME and b.CONSTRAINT_NAME = a.INDEX_NAME and b.CONSTRAINT_TYPE in ('PRIMARY KEY', 'FOREIGN KEY') where a.table_schema = database() and b.CONSTRAINT_NAME is null group by a.TABLE_NAME, a.INDEX_NAME, a.NON_UNIQUE ) ft order by ROW_BLOCK;